
problem solving

We have printed over a million T-Shirts, sweats, hats, hoodies, bumper stickers, decals, dj slipmats, business cards, banners, stickers and flyers while also doing embroidery, design, digital output and other specialty services. We have crazy deep experience in what we do. Doing what we do since the 20th century, and we’ve really got the hang of how to make a pretty cool shirt. We use high quality, locally made inks and biologically based cleanup products to minimize our environmental impact. Our philosophy is that we “make it happen” – the turnaround time, price, and quality you expect.

Meme-Tech is founded on a set of ideals that the tools to spread information should not be limited to large scale entities, but that small businesses, groups of people, bands, clubs and individuals should all be able to put out a product or a message just like a big business. We do work for great big companies too, and can do thousands of shirts if you need, but a dozen shirts is just fine. We love to help people launch their effort to realize the American dream and have watched small customers grow into big ones. That’s the best of all.

Screen printing is equal parts art and science. Our printers take an artisan’s pride in their work and genuinely enjoy making stuff and creating new, interesting design every day, generally with some loud music playing to keep us going. We relentlessly upgrade our technology and capabilities, and consistently have a top level designer or two in residence.

Our strengths are: in-depth understanding of printing and computer tech, esprit de corps and the determination to “make it happen”. We know we’re lucky to get to do this, and we want to grow our business by helping you grow yours.